I started this blog because I'm such a lurker on other people's blogs (oh hi! *waves*). Thought I'd start posting about myself here and there. Not that there's much of interest, but whatev. ;)
So, I'm 33 and a voracious reader of m/m romance. I haven't read much m/f (or mainstream) romance in quite awhile. (The last one I read I kept wondering where the other penis was in the love scenes!) My favorite genre is cop or paranormal.
I have two beautiful kids; 9 year old son (we'll call him 'boy' heh) and 22 month old baby girl, (we'll call her 'baby'). Madly in love with my fiance. We've been together for 13 years. (yeesh!) Planned on getting married last year, but actually got preggo first, so that's been put on hold for a bit. I work at a family restaurant (with ice cream) as a supervisor, waitress, cook, all around slave to the dollar. I do like my job, but omg, you meet some crazy ass people working in the service industry. (which I'll blog about here and there)
I recently moved. We're now leasing a house...which I love, love, love. We have a real fireplace!! You can find me on
Goodreads or on
Google +.