Thursday, September 22, 2011

Review: The Balance of Silence

The Balance of Silence
The Balance of Silence by S. Reesa Herberth

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

2 stars. Really good read which had me interested the whole time...until the end.

All of a sudden Ducks can talk! He doesn't talk to Riv in months, Riv gets shot, and then boom! Ducks is back in his life and can talk now so everything is okay! Ducks ignored Riv for months and was maybe thinking of never talking to him again (even after he got his voice back) but that wasn't even touched on in the shortest reunion ever. I wanted Ducks to actually work to get with Riv, but Riv just makes it way too easy for him. (and I really liked his character too)

And note; there is no sex in this book. I'm not saying I need to read a sex scene everytime I read a book, (I can name over 10 that actually have too many sex scenes off the top of my head) but you just don't really feel the chemistry between them all that much. Some hot kisses and that's about it.

Very disappointing conclusion after being such a good read.

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